We run a morning and afternoon session every weekday at Pippins. Each session is 3 hours long. Morning session runs from 9am to noon, and afternoon session runs from noon to 3pm. Children may attend for just the morning or afternoon, or stay for the whole day from 9am to 3pm.
The structure of the sessions at Pippins follows a similar routine each day, but may change to accommodate the weather, special visits or activities and any other opportunities that may occur.
9am: Arrival and registration
The bell is rung by a staff member to signal the start of the morning. Help your child put their lunch box and water bottle on the trolley in the front garden, then your child can walk up the ramp to be greeted by staff. When your child enters the building, staff will help your child to hang up their coat and belongings on their peg. Then your child will enter the Rainbow Room, add their name to the felt board and choose a mat to sit on for morning registration.
Registration is used as an opportunity to practice counting, the days of the week, describing the weather, etc. Once all children have joined us in the Rainbow Room and been added to the register, children are invited into the Main Playroom for free play.
9.15am – 11.40am: Free play
During this time staff encourage children to interact with a wide variety of toys and activities. Play is child-led and we use the Planning in the Moment technique to support a child’s learning and develop their interests. The front or back gardens are opened alongside the snack bar and children can freely play indoors or outdoors.
Different toys and equipment will be put out each day for the children to enjoy. Activities which are always available include:
Additionally, at various times during the year we will also have water play, the mud kitchen, and too many more activities to list them all!
9.45am – 10.20am: Snack bar
Children are all asked to wash their hands and come to the snack bar. More information about snack time can be found here. When children have finished their snack, they may return to free play.
11.50am – noon: Tidy up time and circle time
Children who are going home at noon listen to a story and sing songs before heading home. All other children can continue with their free play or start their lunch.
noon: Collection time
Parents and carers wait outside until staff unlock the gate and invite you inside to collect your child. Remember to collect notices and artwork from your child’s drawer! More information about drop off and collection can be found here.
noon: Arrival and registration
Please wait at the gate for a staff member to unlock it and invite your child in. When your child enters the building, staff will help your child to hang up their coat on their peg, put their lunch bag on the trolley, and their water bottle in the tray. Then your child can head straight into the playroom for free play.
12.10pm – 2.40pm: Free play
As described above.
Noon – 12.50pm: Lunch
Children are called to wash their hands and invited into the Rainbow Room for lunchtime, where children sit together to eat their packed lunch. More information about lunch can be found here. When children have finished their lunch, they may return to free play.
2.40pm – 3pm: Tidy up time and circle time
As described above.
3pm: Collection time
Parents and carers wait outside until staff unlock the gate and invite you inside to collect your child. Remember to collect notices and artwork from your child’s drawer! More information about drop off and collection can be found here.